Certified to industry standards IPC-A-610 (Class 3) & J-STD-001
All our production staff are trained to the latest IPC-A-610 standards, (to Class 3). This training is provided by Prism Electronics’ own IPC certified trainer. The ability to both train and monitor our employees ensures that we have the expertise available on-site to provide certifications or any clarifications that may be required on a real-time basis. In addition to IPC-610-A we have also implemented staff training to J-STD-001.
IPC-A-610, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies is the most widely used standard published by the IPC. With multiple language versions, it has an international reputation as the source for end product acceptance criteria for consumer and high reliability printed wiring assemblies.
An industry developed and approved program that includes training, certification and instructional materials based on the IPC-A-610 is available to your company. This certification will demonstrate your commitment to customer requirements and greatly assists any company dedicated to ISO-9000 or other quality assurance initiatives.
The IPC J-STD-001 Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies has emerged as the preeminent authority for electronics assembly manufacturing. The standard describes materials, methods and verification criteria for producing high quality soldered interconnections. The standard emphasizes process control and sets industry-consensus requirements for a broad range of electronic products.
IPC received hundreds of requests from companies worldwide to support this critical standard with a formal training program that recognizes individuals as qualified instructors and provides them with teaching materials. Now, IPC has an industry developed and approved comprehensive, hands-on solder training and certification program based on J-STD-001 that gives companies all the tools they need to increase employee skills and performance.
Prism Electronics Manufacturing Ltd are committed to;
- Delivering on time and in full following a ‘right first time’ methodology.
- Communicate in a timely and effective manner with our customers and suppliers.
- Strive for zero defects as the only acceptable target through continual improvement.
- Ensuring we operate our business in a professional and ethical manner at all times.